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From Green to Grey: Solar Panel Lifecycle

As renewable sources of energy continue to grow exponentially in popularity, solar power has been a particular favourite among many. More solar farms are installed and solar panels have become a trendier installation in private homes as well as in small technology.

UK Ranked First in AI Readiness Index

The latest index publication to come from Oxford Insights endeavoured to assess government preparedness for emerging AI technologies, and then rank countries accordingly.

Electrolysis-Based Energy Storage in Development in Japan

With the instability of energy production from renewable sources being a major problem, the storage of energy is becoming increasingly important. It is currently a very hot topic around the world, attracting investors and scientists alike, and all advancements in the field are being met with great intrigue.

Co Innovate 24th January, Cardiff

Dashboard COO Pete Stirling chaired the ‘Sensors’ session and was also a panelist for the ‘TechLive’ pitching competition at the CoInnovate conference event in Cardiff on 24th Jan. The event supports industry, start-ups and academics looking for collaborations showcasing their technologies.

Renewable Pit Stop: Looping Technology

Biomass has for a long time been on the receiving end of much positive discussion, opinions and praise for its excellent environmental properties and relative ease of production.

UK Sets Sights on Fracking in 2018

The subject of fracking is as heated as they come, shrouded in controversy, unanswered questions, and public scrutiny. Resultantly, drilling for shale gas in the UK has been met with intense opposition.

OilCoin Launching for Smarter Trade in Oil

The recent meteoric rise in the value of Bitcoin has turned many heads in many industries and as well as extensive coverage from various global media outlets.

IoT Predictions for 2018

It is easy to reflect on the progress IoT has made in 2017, many companies appointed IoT-specific directors; security was highlighted as a crucial issue for improvement; and voice-controlled IoT devices emerged as a popular option among consumers.