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Our blog - digital thinking

Oil Producers Find Alternative in Methane Gas

Nearly every expert and professional, if not all, are agreeing that easy oil is gone; over the last century or so the conventional oil industry has seen a decline in the reserves that used to be full not so long ago.

Dashboard’s Response To The Energy Harvesting Bracelet

It is only today’s energy hungry, innovation driven world that not only allows scientists and developers to be experimental, but also drives them, sometimes unnecessarily so, to create devices that produce power.

Considering The Limitations of Big Data

Everybody around us is always talking about the opportunities that big data presents and the new world of opportunities it creates – and for a good reason, too.

UK Government Integrating IoT Into the Grid

As a company with many partners and contacts from a wide range of sectors, we have often stressed the importance of forming relationships with all types of producers, distributors and customers.

Go Small or Go Home: The New LNG Mentality

With constant economic difficulties within the Oil & Gas field, it is interesting to note the trends that emerge for the companies that not only survive, but do well.

Dashboard and NEL Partnership

Dashboard was please to welcome Craig Marshall and Alick MacGillivray from TUV-NEL on a recent trip to our offices in the Exeter Science Park.

Bio-Compatible Batteries Already Here

Today, “battery” is a loaded word. While it means a powerful, easy energy solution, it is also synonymous with harmful, toxic, or otherwise environmentally unfriendly.

AT&T’s Plan for A Network of Edge Data Centres

As one of the world’s network giants, AT&T and their plans are always closely followed. Their continuous position as a leader of the market requires to stay on top of the latest technologies, resources and investment targets.