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Our blog - digital thinking

Supporting The Digital Change: Insights in Infrastructure

It is safe to say that digital transformation is a prominent fixture in the future strategic planning of businesses today, and companies are continuously spending more time and money on digitalisation for added efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Is Genetics the New Big Thing in Oil Detection?

The starting point to any oil drilling and retrieval process is detecting the most profitable areas with the highest yield. Traditionally, to identify these areas technical solutions such as spectrometers, seismic waves, and satellite imagery have been used.

From Ocean Waste To Diesel Fuel

Over the last year, Dashboard has been actively following the news around fuel production and reporting on the most innovative developments in the field.

Valves Report: Dashboard’s Response

The valve market is enormous – there are numerous types of valves for a multitude of purposes, from pressure control to tank protecting models and the demand for them is constant.

Combining Batteries and Supercapacitors

In a ‘push and pull’ type of a relationship, supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries have been in near direct competition since they emerged. Supercapacitors can charge in a few short seconds but carry relatively small amounts of energy while batteries work in reverse.