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Our blog - digital thinking

IoT Application Security – A concern and an inspiration

IoT is decidedly an intelligent new form of technological evolution but it has had its setbacks in its relatively short existence. Namely this comprises security, which has been an area of concern since its creation.

Modern UK technologies on the rise

On January 23rd, Theresa May presented the UK with the latest industrial strategy. The announcement highlighted how the government will heavily invest and encourage robotics, AI and 5G wireless internet.

Oil Industry to Look Into 3D Printing

Dashboard has been speaking, writing and promoting the positive effects of the digital oilfield since its very founding. Not only do we think it is the only way going forward but we also see it as just one way of how technology should be incorporated into oil and gas permanently.

Mobile World Congress 2017

Dashboard will be attending the 2017 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona with the aim of generating new opportunities and relationships between suppliers, manufacturers, complimentary value added providers...

Solar Energy to Take Over Mining Sites

Dashboard regularly posts articles about the latest news and innovations from a wide variety of industries, including renewable energy and mining.

Separating Success from Failure

It’s a cliché that success and failure are separated by a fine line, and often a heavy dose of good fortune. But it is also true that you make your own luck by doing the right things right more often than the other guy.