Dashboard featured in the BBC front page articles
On Monday, September 19th Dashboard was linked by an article visible on the BBC front page. The article, written under the category of technology, is headed “Tech Talent: Map of the UK’s digital clusters”.
It discusses the clustering of tech companies all over the UK, focussing on the cities of over a minimum of 7000 technology jobs. It also points out how the digital technology sector is growing faster than the economy in general. The tech companies’ turnover and productivity are also on the rise.
Dashboard was linked under Exeter’s details, pointed out as one of the three “locally headquartered companies”. In terms of the city itself, it came in 19th in a number of tech jobs but had seven tech jobs per 100 people living locally. This places it above cities such as London, Glasgow, and Birmingham and showcases Exeter’s potential for further growth and talent attraction in the industry.
The link comes at an exciting time for Dashboard. We are still a fairly new company who are constantly expanding, and a mention on the BBC website is a nice testament to our progress to date. To be featured in the same article as companies such as Shazam, Sky Bet, and BT Research is a great compliment, and we are incredibly proud to share this news with everyone associated with our company – from customers to team members to shareholders.
The article can be found here.