Data Centres Hyperscaled in the Future
We often talk about how data is expanding and how a bigger chunk of it is becoming digital. Many smart systems such as big data tools are not only reading, interpreting and analysing data, but also creating new sets of processed information.
Modern companies from every sector have learnt to value this efficiency and capability, which only increases the need for capacities– whether it be storage or rate of analysis. To support this expansion, providers of such services have embraced the culture of hyperscaling.
Hyperscaling relates to the systems’ ability to deal with a heavy increase of demand over time, and subsequently scaling up the support structure that is in place to enable its primary services. In reality, this means that the systems cope with the demand of factors such as memory and analysis tools by growing the network – in a similar fashion to upgrading your storage plan, but instead of unlocking the space, it is built. This is how big platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter can cope with a continuously rising number of users, and oil companies can keep track of their historical data in the cloud, no matter how much information is being generated.
As there are more data-driven companies than ever before, the amount of support systems they require puts more pressure on the providing party. It is estimated that in the next four years, the volume of cloud data will double, and it will need existing cloud drivers to be able to hyperscale. Additionally, more and more medium-sized and big companies are choosing to own and service their own data centres themselves, as it is more accessible than ever both in terms of prices and expertise. In situations such as this it is particularly important to understand the naturally limited nature of cloud solutions and it is likely that such companies will be in a position of having to eventually merge or work with one of the big providers.
Dashboard cannot highlight the importance of such support systems enough. Many of our partners, ourselves included, rely on the capability of cloud to enable swift operations and adequate storage. As heavy users of this service, it is important to understand how data is impacting the world outside of the organisation itself.