Dubai Aiming For IoT Wealth
As the IoT development moves forward with each passing day, so do all connected agendas, plans, and visions. IoT’s future seems evermore secure, and this is only reinforced by the investment and support it has received around the world.
We believe this is an important driver to ensure that IoT keeps developing beyond its current capabilities, and one of the critical factors to enable this is the multitude of sources backing the technology.
One key event we want to highlight is what is happening in Dubai in terms of IoT advances. In the last quarter of 2017, UAE’s Prime Minister and Ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Matoum, visited the headquarters of Smart Dubai; an initiative to tie together multiple sectors working towards an overall more intelligent city. There, he announced the launch of Dubai’s IoT Strategy and Data Wealth Initiative.
The IoT Strategy aims at creating the world’s most progressive IoT ecosystem. One of its key targets is to encourage different government departments to make advancements in UAE’s smart transition. The Strategy is expected to reinforce Smart Dubai 2021 in its aim to turn the government 100% paperless.
The second part of the launch, Data Wealth, has a similar basis but is more protective in its approach. Data Wealth concentrates on safeguarding the created digital wealth and knowledge that the country possesses as well as the sources of this knowledge. As part of this initiative, Dubai Digital Certificates will be awarded to “outstanding government private entities” that are exemplary in this field.
Interplaying initiatives are scheduled to take place over the next three years; the areas of importance will be governance, management, acceleration, deployment, monetisation, and security.
Dashboard believes schemes like this are very important in encouraging different sectors, including the public sector, to comply with a national agenda. As one of the world leaders, UAE will continue to set an example for other countries.