Energy Internet – an American Dream?
The term “energy internet” (EI) is relatively new today. It hasn’t been used on a large scale quite yet and is nearly totally unknown to the average consumer.
If the idea of EI comes true as predicted and with all the expectations of the people behind it, it will certainly sink its roots into the modern society.
EI is the concept of a network where energy is available to anyone anywhere – anytime. The power would be distributed equally throughout any defined area, e.g. city or county, overriding any potential outage that would otherwise disrupt the electrical grid and energy delivery. If it were to become a reality, there would be no more moments where you couldn’t charge your phone because miles away a tree fell on a power line. It must be admitted – it is an impressive concept.
EI would be another major step for sustainability in the field of energy. It would heavily rely on renewable methods such as wind and solar and would operate on the basis of not wasting any energy that is produced, instead opting to distribute it quickly and efficiently. An advanced energy management structure would be introduced to centralise generators and then pass on the power to microgrids according to demand. All in all, it would be cheaper, cleaner and more reliable than the current option.
Particularly in the USA there are many start ups counting on EI and its success. On a governmental level there are plans too; four major American states – New York, California, Illinois and Texas, are experimenting and bringing forward efforts to make it a reality but for now it is a very western theory, with little response, positive or negative, from anywhere else in the world. However, it could be the next big thing for highly populated areas after smart cities if the trials result in a favourable outcome.
The ethos of EI fits naturally with that of Dashboard – efficiency, environmentally sustainable with maximum development are at the very core of our business. New innovations such as this drive our company and ensure we are engaged in developing cutting edge solutions for our clients.