From the cloud to fog: an alternative
With every step IoT takes, all technologies even remotely related strive to follow. This ranges from security to power generation, and in this case, storage. Yet another alternative to cloud services has recently emerged to take over IoT devices: Fog computing is engaging people by storm.
Fog computing takes the data analysis and processing away from the cloud. Instead of sending it onwards for interpretation, the procedure takes place either in the device itself or right on the edge of the network in a router (or alternative). As a result, the efficiency is increased and less time is required for information delivery. On a bigger scale, it is also simply logical to not transport huge amounts of data from device to cloud, only to be returned to the device later on. It can contribute to save precious seconds in communication, potentially making a huge difference in medicine, Oil & Gas and transportation industries.
Fog computing also addresses the issue of security, which is a prominent concern in IoT. As the information never reaches the cloud, it creates a safer space for data inside the gadget. This way, instead of hacking into one big cloud, it will be much harder to hack into one specific device, where the stored information is particular for that device only.
Fog computing is already in progress with companies such as Dell, Cisco and Intel. They are working together with IoT experts to create gateways and routers that could support it. With the recent huge growth, it is expected fog computing will become even more popular with time. It is unlikely it will ever eliminate cloud, but instead the two can work alongside each other for different purposes.