Home Energy Storage Leads Way To New Energy
One of the most prominent challenges that the modern energy market and systems are constantly battling with is storage.
It is the focus of countless studies and research pieces but as of today remains a topic of interest due to the very real demand for a storage solution that will deliver the ultimate answer, and some providers may already have it.
In April 2016, Mercedes-Benz’s parent company Daimler announced it was on track to enter the stationary energy storage business, with development and production having started the previous year. In their own words, there was “tremendous interest” with “numerous orders” placed already. Tesla is another provider trying to solve the storage problem. Home energy storage units, such as those from Tesla’s Powerwall range, are quickly becoming the top rated, most wanted technology in this field. Whilst they were designed to target home energy specifically, Powerwalls have caused the most excitement across all categories.
The home storage energy units mirror the mobile phone model of having your own private energy source to power the consumption of a private system however, these storage devices are on a much larger scale. The unit connects to the houses’ solar photovoltaic systems and processes all the produced energy. When needed, it delivers the energy to any device but its main function is to store the surplus energy for later use; instead of feeding it back to the grid like many other technologies, the energy remains within the house, increasing the degree of self-sufficiency and control users have over their energy.
By connecting units, the household storage capacity increases and therefore, can serve larger establishments, if required. This is the case for both providers mentioned; for example, Daimler is already working on three large scale projects for industrial consumption – this would help businesses manage energy loads and fluctuations of the grid in a more prepared manner. This approach leads to believing that the stationary energy storage units could be the new way of dealing with energy for professionals as well, and this could include factories, laboratories, and process centres across a large variety of sectors where a non-moving option is viable.
The reason we find the growing popularity of these energy storage boxes interesting is their ability to adapt to the many industries that are directly linked with us and our stakeholders. From oil and gas to infrastructure projects, this way of managing energy lets the users use all of their self-made power for their own needs and keeps track of production versus consumption levels. Overall, it is clearly a modern solution for modern companies and we believe it will be the leading innovation in the upcoming energy revolution.