Portable Viscosity Reduction Unit for Oil Reaches Testing Stage
It is increasingly important for oil companies to have equipment that enables swift on-site analysis. It reduces costs and forced inactivity time of the drills and pipelines.
It is also simply much more convenient to have it on hand so that if and when problems occur, the solution is never too far away. These are also the objectives of Applied Oil Technology’s (AOT) newest addition, viscosity testing and reduction unit.
To this day there has been no easy way to test for oil’s viscosity on-site, which is the gap that AOT’s creators saw. They have installed an aspect into AOT which can now perform laboratory level analysis without having to seek out the specific conditions for it and test the oil’s viscosity, as well as the efficiency of multiple blends on a particular oil patch. It is a fantastic idea but so far only on a theoretical level – however, the trialling period has already been scheduled with an anonymous Canadian oil production company. Over five days, the durability and capabilities of the unit will be tested in real life conditions, both for regular oil as well as oil sands.
It is a big step towards bringing oil technology to the field where the action happens. The oil industry has seen many an improvement but they rarely come in the shape of portable devices, rather scientists and developers have concentrated on complicated offsite systems or connectivity enhancements. Achieving success with an item like this means more can be done without ever leaving the location and soon they can be connected to large platforms for wider evaluation.
Dashboard is excited about the prospect of new devices that simplify oil production and management. The viscosity testing and reducing unit is a fresh idea that will inspire more companies to look at developing portable technology solutions. Particularly if the trial period proves to be a triumph, similar products could be coming onto the market soon. We think it is a great direction to explore and are eager to see where it leads.