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Our blog - digital thinking

Transparent Solar Panels Meeting Today’s Requirements

Back in 2014, the news of transparent solar energy technology first surfaced; the industry was excited by the concept of glass office buildings transforming sunlight into useful, green energy without sacrificing the aesthetic value.

UK Trade Mission to San Francisco

Dashboard was pleased to send team members Piers Corfield and Dana Parkins to TC3 held every year in Silicon Valley CA.

Machine Learning Taking Over Data Analytics

Today’s data landscape presents businesses with a unique problem. Where 15 years ago data would have been a limited resource from which organisations strived to milk all the analytics they could, today it has become an overwhelming challenge to transform it into constructed, sensible, and actionable intelligence.

RF Steaming To Benefit O&G

In this day and age, it is normal to encounter previously unthought of technologies in fields they were not originally meant.

Advance Engineering 2017 Show – Surprise Visitor

The Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell made a visit to the Dashboard stand at the Advance Engineering 2017 Show, to hear about the impacts of Industrial IoT and how British companies are rising to the challenge to meet this head on with innovation through the adoption of new technologies.

Energy from Evaporation: The New Model

When it comes to renewable energy, there is a limited number of options currently available with a viable production process behind them.

Consumers Lack IoT Confidence

We have been big proponents of IoT since the very start and we have always been at the forefront of its developments. As a proactive company in the field of technology, we feel it is a part of our business conduct to not only stay up to date on the latest news, but share it with our many stakeholders.