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International Pipeline Conference Calgary 2016

IPC has been an unqualified success for Dashboard. The Dashboard team, comprising ofPiers Corfield,  Lars Hinrichs, Pete Stirling, Dana Parkins, Andy Philp andSteve Webber have spent a total of two and a half weeks in Calgary, Alberta participating in key meetings and attending the IPC conference/exhibition.

From greenhouses to green plants

As governments drive green policies, the average person becoming more and more environmentally aware, scientists put forwards their best efforts at creating the opportunities for sustainable living.

Remote Control: New Steps in Mining

Over the past few years, remote wiring companies have been trying to develop a crawler tractor that would fit mining purposes, but also be remotely controllable.

Dashboard featured in the BBC front page articles

On Monday, September 19th Dashboard was linked by an article visible on the BBC front page. The article, written under the category of technology, is headed “Tech Talent: Map of the UK’s digital clusters”.

Machine Learning

When two new and exciting technological innovations are paired together, the results can be ground breaking: the marriage between phones and copy machines brought us fax machines and satellites’ union with portable screens gave us GPS.

UAVs in Oil and Gas – steps in commercial use

UAVs – unmanned aerial vehicles, or more commonly, drones – have been the big thing in non commercial usage for over a century. The military, in particular, have taken full advantage of UAVs and their cost-saving, and continue to be the largest user to date.

The Holy Trinity of IoT, The Cloud, and Big Data

IoT, The Cloud and Big Data are all enormous, state-of-the-art concepts, undergoing constant development and growth. While The Cloud and Big Data are well known among the masses, IoT is a tad more obscure.

The IoT gap between the industry and consumers

As digital industry professionals plough on with developing IoT gadgets, connectivity and batteries, the value of IoT as a concept keeps skyrocketing. Its walls are constantly stretched and edges reshaped to adjust to the latest innovations and breakthroughs.