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Dashboard’s commentary on “4 Major Technical Challenges Facing IoT Developers”

Sitepoint recently published an article highlighting the biggest technical challenges IoT is facing. The challenges have been broken down into four groups: security, privacy, connectivity and compatibility/longevity. The article discusses what form these challenges might take, and gives insight to what the industry may do to avoid them.

Dashboard’s commentary on “How can IoT ensure that Oil pipelines run smoothly?”

IoT specialist Naveen Joshi recently published an article describing the effect of IoT on oil pipelines. What makes the article of particular interest is that Joshi never once mentions digital oilfield as a whole, but instead chooses to break it down into parts. He explains the catalyst effects of systems such as SCADA and TAMI in detail, perhaps to avoid generalising digital oilfield as one. The article is also useful in terms of acquainting oneself with the digital oilfield deeper than just the name.

Lithium batteries enabling wireless IoT

While Internet of Things(IoT) is said to be the greatest innovation since the World Wide Web, it is also undisputable that it faces many problems. One of these is how smaller devices would function for hours on end without a wire to connect it to a power source. IoT devices would most likely consume an enormous amount of energy in small time periods, and so far the options to solve this problem are limited.

IoT in Mining – A South African Perspective

As IoT has developed rapidly in the recent years, many industries have benefitted from the added speed, efficiency and connectivity it has brought along. One of these industries is mining, which could be subject to many an improvement, yet can at times be slow to incorporate new technology.

From the cloud to fog: an alternative

With every step IoT takes, all technologies even remotely related strive to follow. This ranges from security to power generation, and in this case, storage. Yet another alternative to cloud services has recently emerged to take over IoT devices: Fog computing is engaging people by storm.

Light power to be the next big thing in power generation?

When it comes to renewable energy and its production, the options are limited. Often times, it comes down to solar and/or wind energy, despite there being other solutions out there. Biomass, biofuels and hydroelectricity are often dismissed as a less viable. Recently, researchers at Griffith University (world top 3%) in Brisbane, Australia have discovered “significant new potentials” to further the development of light power.

The Black Side of Green Energy

With the emergence of green power generation technologies, there has been lots of talk about the positive sides. Power generation through solar or wind power, for example, is sustainable and cost effective in the long run, and the green house gas emissions are minimal. There technologies are widely considered to be the best option out there, but there has been little mention of the cons.

Drowning in data – O&G’s missed opportunity

In today’s rapidly automising world it is often emphasised how companies should invest into data gathering devices to know their process and product better. This particularly comes up in terms of IoT and remote monitors and sensors.

Canopy Boston 2016

Our visit to Boston was to explore the potential for Dashboard entering the US market via the East Coast, engaging with the strong investment/academic cluster centred on Boston.